
Exercise on Subject Verb Agreement for Grade 5

As a copy editor and writer who has worked extensively with SEO, I understand the importance of crafting content that is both engaging and optimized for search engines. One area of grammar that is particularly important to master, especially for students in grade 5, is subject-verb agreement.

Subject-verb agreement refers to the rule that a verb must match its subject in number (singular or plural). For example, “he walks” uses the singular verb “walks” to match the singular subject “he,” while “they walk” uses the plural verb “walk” to match the plural subject “they.”

To help students in grade 5 practice and improve their understanding of subject-verb agreement, here are a few exercises they can try:

1. Fill in the blank with the correct verb form:

– The dog (barks/bark) loudly at night.

– My friends and I (is/are) going to the mall later.

– Each of the boys (has/have) his own bike.

2. Rewrite the sentence using the correct subject-verb agreement:

– Incorrect: The books on the shelf is falling over.

– Correct: The books on the shelf are falling over.

– Incorrect: His brothers and sisters is coming to dinner tonight.

– Correct: His brothers and sisters are coming to dinner tonight.

3. Identify the correct subject-verb agreement in the following sentences:

– The cat and the dog chase each other around the yard. (plural)

– She reads books every night before bed. (singular)

– They study hard for their exams. (plural)

By practicing these exercises, students in grade 5 can develop a more intuitive grasp of subject-verb agreement. This will not only improve their writing and communication skills, but also help them to create content that is more optimized for SEO. After all, search engines value content that is grammatically sound and easily understood, and mastering subject-verb agreement is an important step towards achieving that goal.

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